It’s summertime and, weather permitting, it’s time to start enjoying your garden more. To enjoy yourself this summer, make sure you start right – clear the clutter and rediscover how beautiful your garden can be. Here we look at smart storage solutions for your outdoor areas. And remember, for
Active and Outdoorsy Types – Where do you keep your sports equipment when you’re not using it?
We love sport as much as the next person. What we don’t love is the fact we’ve got to store equipment all over the house. It’s always where we don’t want it to be. And stumbling into it in the dark during the night can lead to a lot of language that’s not safe for kids. So what to do with your kit
Get a Bigger House Without Moving
Downsizing is becoming more common these days. Houses are getting smaller and people just can’t afford to buy larger properties just so they can store things they don’t use terribly often. Others just want to downsize their lives and get rid of some of the less-often used things in their
How Self-Storage Helps with a House Move
When it’s time to move home you’ve got enough to worry about without having to find a home for, well, everything in your old home. So keep what you absolutely can’t live without and put the rest into storage. You can then settle in and work out a) what you need to bring to your new house and b) what
A Student Guide to Glasgow
As a student, you’ve made as great decision right at the start of your course – choosing Glasgow. Here’s the ultimate student guide to getting more out of Glasgow. Have fun. (Maybe study a bit too.) Lots of pubs (hooray) No student guide would be worth its salt unless it mentioned pubs! Glasgow’s
Start Improving Your Home… Without Spending a Fortune!
Admittedly, spring has been a little late in coming this year. However, now the good weather has finally arrived, it’s time to don the marigolds, arm yourself with screwdrivers, hammers and paintbrushes – and start sprucing up the home. Fancy a new look for the lounge or a kitchen transformation?
Are You Planning a House Move? Here’s A Helpful Guide!
If you’re planning to move house in the near future, you’re probably experiencing a whirlwind of emotions – trepidation, excitement and mild panic about how you’ll manage to get everything done in time! Here’s a handy guide, detailing all the key things you’ll need to consider in the lead-up to
The Fine Art of Creating Your Own Man-Cave
If you’re a male of a certain age, you probably have your own special drawer in the house. It’s the one that contains that valuable little set of screwdrivers that you got in a Christmas cracker, several batteries, elastic bands, superglue and other DIY-based goodies. The comedian Michael McIntyre
Want to Travel and Sell Up (Without Selling Everything)? Self-Storage is the Answer…
Have you got a yearning to sell up and travel the world? If so, you’re certainly not alone. According to the latest provisional statistics from ONS (Office for National Statistics), 63.4 million visits abroad were made from July 2014 to July 2015. That’s a lot of people departing UK shores to