As a student, you’ve made as great decision right at the start of your course – choosing Glasgow. Here’s the ultimate student guide to getting more out of Glasgow. Have fun. (Maybe study a bit too.) Lots of pubs (hooray) No student guide would be worth its salt unless it mentioned pubs! Glasgow’s
Great Organisation and Storage Tips for Your Gap Year Abroad
Are you planning an exciting gap year? Jetting off around the world is about as thrilling as it gets, but the sheer level of organisation required can be a bit of a turn-off. This is especially the case if you’ve got a lot of belongings to put into storage! Here’s some useful tips to help you get
Students: Stressing About Moving Out? Here’s How You Make Your Life Much Easier…
If you’re due to go to a Glasgow University this year, you might already be worried about what you’re going to do with all your things. After all, student accommodation is notoriously small, even in the more modern buildings, and it’s unlikely that you’ll get away with taking your entire CD and DVD